Petteri Orpo: Kokoomus proposes to exclude Fidesz from the EPP

Mr. Petteri Orpo, Leader of Kansallinen Kokoomus – the National Coalition Party in Finland, has sent a letter to the President of European People’s Party proposing to exclude Fidesz – the Hungarian Civic Alliance from the European People’s Party. EPP is the leading political force in Europe striving for European integration. EPP’s common core values […]
Petteri Orpon puhe Brysselin Kansallisseuran Kokoomus 100 -gaalassa

Vice President Secretary General Members and Friends of Brysselin Kansallisseura Thank you for this opportunity to speak at the famous BKS gala dinner! BKS is one of the most dynamic member organisations of Kokoomus. You bring together Brussels based Finns and friends of Finland across party lines. Besides gala dinners, BKS organises high quality seminars […]
Speech at the EPP Congress November 8th 2018.

EU should be the leader of sustainable development “EPP family members ladies and gentlemen, United we stand, divided we fall. Europe can only compete with rest of the world if we work together. To provide credible solutions to the biggest challenges of our time, the EU needs to be united. Europeans expect European solutions to […]
Speech in the FIIA Seminar 18 January 2018: A Comprehensive Reform Package for the EU

Your excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, good morning! First of all, I would like to thank you, Mr. Emmanouilidis, and your team for the report Re-energising Europe. It is a great contribution to an important discussion on the future of Europe, to which president Juncker, president Macron and many others, including the still conditional Grand Coalition […]
Finland will not compromise on Western values

(This post was originally published on Monday 12 June at 5:15 pm. The original post can be found here.) The cornerstones of Western democracy are unaliable human rights, incalculable human dignity and the rule of law. Every person must be treated as an individual with civility and respect. These values are not ”political correctness” or […]