Petteri Orpo

Now is the right time

to roll up our sleeves and get to work!

Yhdessä me pystymme siihen

Vastuullista ja ennakoitavaa politiikkaa

Petteri Orpo -
a responsible policymaker

You, a resident of southwestern Finland, deserve an experienced representative in Parliament. I am available for this task. On this website you can read about me and my work!

I am a 53-year-old resident of Turku. My family includes my wife Niina, two kids and two dogs. My wife and I are avid outdoorsmen and enjoy long treks on foot or skis. I became passionate about politics during my time at the University of Turku and I have been active in municipal and national decision making ever since. 

In the spring parliamentary elections, I am seeking a strong mandate for a fifth term. I want to take responsibility for my country and ensure that Finland is put on the right track. Now is the right time to get back to the basics of politics - growth for the economy, strength for security and hope for the future!

On free time

You can find me either on the ski tracks, fishing, hunting or in the kitchen at home. Cooking on weekends for the whole family is my way of relaxing.

Work experience

More than 25 years of experience in managing common affairs in Turku, Southwest Finland and at national level.

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry 2014-2015. Minister of the Interior 2015-2016. Minister of Finance 2016-2019.

About my vision

I believe in people, the market economy and technology. Change for the better does not come from the central government, but from passionate and active people bettering their lives and the lives of others.

Hello there!

If you think that massive government debt, more central government meddling and more hopelessness is not the right direction for Finland, vote for change.

Finland needs action to save the welfare state, not just fine words. We want to put Finland's economy in order, because a strong economy is a prerequisite for prosperity. Now is the time to roll up our sleeves and get to work. 

Join us and our work – the future of Finland is our common cause!

Member of Parliament & Chairman of the National Coalition Party (Kokoomus)


Oskari Heinonen
Parliamentary assistant (parliamentary affairs)

Elli-Nora Heinonen
Assistant party secretary (calendar matters)

Katri Manninen
Special assistant (Policy Content and Communication)

Tuomas Tikkanen
Special assistant (Policy Content and Communication)


Ota yhteyttä!

All comments are welcome

My team and I try to respond to every substantive contact as soon as possible.


    Petteri Orpon puhe YLE:n puoluepäivän vaalitentissä 26.3.2019.

    Hyvät suomalaiset, Tyttärelläni oli äskettäin 15-vuotisjuhlat kotona. Minut oli komennettu pysymään yläkerrassa piilossa juhlien ajan. Kesken illan tyttäreni kuitenkin haki …

    Hihapuhetta vastaan – varmistetaan Suomelle valoisa tulevaisuus!

    Maltti on valttia. Vanha sanonta pätee myös vaalien alla, kun puolueet pitävät palopuheitaan. Hövelit heitot miljardeista sinne ja tänne eivät …

    Jonoista hoitoon!

    Lääkärin vastaanotolle pitäisi päästä kuukaudessa nykyisen kolmen kuukauden sijaan. Kolmen viikon päästä tiedämme, millainen eduskunta Suomeen seuraavaksi valitaan. Moni tärkeä …

    Petteri Orpo in Parliament

    Information on Petteri Orpo's work as a Member of Parliament on the Parliament's website